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Every Day Should Be Mother's Day

By Roschelle Nelson 

"Hi Mom!". How many times have you heard a television personality, sports star or just about anyone you've ever seen on TV say that very statement at some point during an interview or an impromptu pan of the camera? The love and admiration we share for our mother's is universal.

There is no role more paramount than the role of motherhood.

It's unfortunate that most of the time we don't realize how much love and devotion our mother's give until we become mother's ourselves.

Someone famous once said, "Having children is allowing your heart to walk outside your body for the rest of your life".

Oh, I know that fatherhood is extremely important as well. However, the mother and child bond transcends all understanding. I'm still amazed at how often my mom knew when something just wasn't right. She often told me it was a look in my eyes that always gave her a clue that my day hadn't been as pleasant as I was pretending it had been. A mother is the nurturer, the peacekeeper, the mender, the counselor, the one that keeps it all together no matter what.

She wakes before the rest of the family and generally retires after she knows everyone else is settled in for the night. Her many roles are endless. She's the designated driver for soccer practice, dance lessons, piano recitals, and those awesome Friday night football games. She's our best friend when she says yes and our worst enemy when she says no. She's also the greatest psychic ever. How else can you explain how she always knew where everything was!

Many things in life have tried to define me. Still, the definition of who I am and the type mother I've become rely solely on the amazing and single handed job my mother did with me.

To my Mother and the many others around the world, Happy Mother's Day, today, tomorrow and forever.

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